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Summer residence

Florian Neubauer cooks temporarily at the Sens


Zermatt star chef Florian makes a guest appearance in Vitznau in September

Florian Neubauer | Foto: Yvonne Aeberhardt-Stutz
Florian Neubauer | Foto: Yvonne Aeberhardt-Stutz

VITZNAU. another top Swiss chef is honouring the "Sens" summer residence at the Vitznauerhof on Lake Lucerne. Zermatt star chef Florian Neubauer will spoil his guests with a fish menu in September.

The Hotel Vitznauerhof is celebrating summer - even if the weather doesn't (yet) want to play along in 2024. The Sens restaurant has been a stage for top chefs since 13 June. Now another star chef has signed up. Florian Neubauer will be cooking at the restaurant on Lake Lucerne from 5 to 29 September. The German-born chef has been working at the Backstage Hotel in Zermatt for over ten years. His cuisine at "After Seven" has been awarded 17 Gault Millau points and a Michelin star. In the second restaurant "Diner's Club" (15 points), he serves home-style cooking at a high level. This makes him one of the best chefs in the mountain village of Zermatt. And "Flo" is not only the hotel's executive chef, but also a DJ. After the service, the chef switches from the cooker to the turntables.

However, Florian Neubauer's restaurants in Zermatt are only open during the winter season. This leaves the busy chef time and leisure for other projects. With his own company "Sweet and Sour by Flo Neubauer", he travels the world and cooks in the most spectacular places. Next stop is Vitznau. "I'm really looking forward to cooking in Vitznau on Lake Lucerne," says Neubauer. So it's lake instead of mountains in September. He is adapting the menu accordingly. "I will be serving my guests a fish menu at 'Sens'." Guests can look forward to spectacular cuisine. Florian Neubauer has already cooked alongside Heston Blumenthal at "Dinner by Heston Blumenthal" in London and worked at Tim Raue's restaurant in Berlin.

Other top chefs will also be at the cooker in the Sens restaurant. Young Italian talent Matteo Morbini will be cooking Wednesday to Saturday until 27 July. Marcel Koolen will take over the catering management from Sunday to Tuesday. Koolen is Head Chef at the "7132 Silver" in Vals. He knows the Vitznauerhof well, after all he was sous-chef here under 2-star chef Jeroen Achtien. "Silver makes Sens" is available until 27 August.

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